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RPM Request - Pylint

Name Pylint
License(s) GPL
Category(ies) MoreApplicationsDevelopmentTools
Short description Pylint is a python tool that checks if a module satisfy a coding standard. Pylint can be seen as another PyChecker since nearly all tests you can do with PyChecker can also be done with Pylint. But Pylint offers some more features, like checking line-code's length, checking if variable names are well-formed according to your coding standard, or checking if declared interfaces are truly implemented, and much more

Software Pylint
Version 0.8.1
Target distribution 2006
Processor type x86-32
Comments Great python syntax validator
Status Requested

Votes count:  4
Volunteer No volunteer for now. Please login to enroll.
Status: Requested

Comments: 1 comments ...

1133885542265-179173900 ()
Creator: Robert_595  Date: 2005/12/06 17:12
Last Author: Robert_595  Date: 2006/07/31 02:42
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