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RPM Request - CAD

Name .CAD/GIS Application like Bentley's MicoStation

License(s) Unknown
Category(ies) MultimediaGraphics
Short description CAD Application with an easily adaptable Z-coordinate that is controlled by the button on the mouse. The software Bentleys'MicroStation is a more powerful, easier to use than AutoCad. Althought I understand that it has been ported to Linux, it would be nice if Linux users could have a comparable CAD/GIS application for those that are engneers, architects, etc.

Software CAD

Target distribution 2006
Processor type x86-32

Status InProgress
Packager wowdar

Votes count:  162
Volunteer wowdar
Status: InProgress

1137547824508693144465 ()
Creator: Jonathan_535  Date: 2006/01/18 02:31
Last Author: Jonathan_535  Date: 2006/10/21 20:47
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