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RPM Request - Opensync-plugin-palm

Name OpenSync Palm-Plugin
License(s) Unknown
Category(ies) Other
Short description Can Sync PalmOS Handhelds with other opensync-plugins (Evolution, kcontact etc.)

Software Opensync-plugin-palm
Version 0.20
Target distribution 2007
Processor type x86-32
Comments Opensync with its libs and multisync client software. Both have been released on as RPMs for SuSe, MDV2006 and and as src.rpm, which are very difficult to compile in MDV 2007. I would love to be able to synchronize my mobile phone with evo2 again :-)…
Status InProgress
Packager bernardcrepin

Votes count:  53
Volunteer bernardcrepin
Status: InProgress

11635149851281942513655 ()
Creator: mcordero  Date: 2006/11/14 16:00
Last Author: mcordero  Date: 2007/01/29 23:02
Copyright (c) 2006 Mandriva