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RPM Request - Iriverter

Name iriverter
License(s) GPL
Category(ies) Multimedia
Short description iriverter is a cross-platform frontend to mencoder designed to facilitate the conversion of almost any video format to one that is playable on various multimedia players

Software Iriverter
Version 0.16
Target distribution 2007
Processor type x86-32
Comments iriverter is a cross-platform frontend to mencoder designed to facilitate the conversion of almost any video format to one that is playable on various multimedia players, including those from iriver. It has dependencies upon other software that can make it complex to get working.
Status Requested

Votes count:  18
Volunteer No volunteer for now. Please login to enroll.
Status: Requested

11674863307402987550 ()
Creator: abro  Date: 2006/12/30 14:48
Last Author: abro  Date: 2007/01/30 01:12
Copyright (c) 2006 Mandriva