
Back from Goa

Just came back from Goa, haven't blogged or being very good at putting up info at work duties for some time now.. Well, last time I blogged I said that I wanted to find a new blog system, never got that far it seems and since I haven't written much on my page with work done either, I feel it's the time to write something new here! :)

Well, I've been in Goa, India for the last couple of week with my girlfriend celebrating new years and enjoying the sun, very nice! So now I should be back to doing some work again, being away from computers for so "long" time makes me eager at getting back to do stuff. :)

For work it's been quite hectic around Mandriva offices for the last months since 2007 release and my regular duties with club packaging hasn't been easy to fulfill, but with the new backport medias etc. for stable releases, we now have more packages doing those and packages requested on the club getting backported on a more frequent basis! This is really good and will ensure a higher amount of packages of higher quality done by more people.

Most of my work on this for the last few months has been helping out and tutoring new packagers, giving assignments etc., ensuring even more packages getting packaged. Besides these regular club duties I will for the next months also work on a EDOS related project through our school from Mandriva, this will be our bachelor project.

Our project page is available at

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dvalin - BackFromGoa
Version 1.2 last modified by dvalin on 14/01/2007 at 18:52




Creator: dvalin on 2007/01/14 18:52
(c) Mandriva 2007