
Linspire and Microsoft

Linspire - the least respected bottom feeders?

So.. One of the not very shockig news today is Linspire signing agreement with Microsoft, only surprising thing about it is Xandros beating them to it.

People questioning how distroes dares signing such pacts with MS considering how much they will upset the community forgets one thing, they're not targeted at the same community. They alianete the regular FOSS community, but it's completely irrelevant since it already did from the beginning, attracting the others is more important..

Yet another way for the bottom feeder distribution driven by proprietary crap to hype up their stuff which noone of relevance really cares about, just like CnR..

I'd like to see any details about their claimed involvement of other distributions with CnR, except for Ubuntu, of course(!)..

I bet CnR is never gonna be more than anything hyped up to the rest of the FOSS world due to two simple reasons: it's 99% hype, targeted at ignorant zealots & even if portrayed as free and it's dependent on proprietary components which Linspire is in control of and therefore not really a contribution to free software but a vendor locking in sheeps clothes..

Oh, btw. as a part of Linspire and Microsoft's agreement, Linspire will use Microsoft's search engine as default.. Hillarious!

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