Mandriva sparcv9 snapshot finally done :)
As Eskild/Zero_Dogg has finally received the Blade 100 I sent him, it was about time that I finally got around to build the basesystem for new sparcv9 repo (replacing old sparc/sparc64 repo).
I'm now after spending a bit more time on it than first expected finally done! (bluarg, you'll see this twice on club, stupid rss feed to planet mandriva..)
As Eskild/Zero_Dogg has finally received the Blade 100 I sent him, it was about time that I finally got around to build the basesystem for new sparcv9 repo (replacing old sparc/sparc64 repo).
I'm now after spending a bit more time on it than first expected finally done!
As the installer isn't finished ported, I'm providing just a tarball with a chroot to get you started for now, it's in lzma format (saved me 20mb over gzip, 15mb over bzip2!) and available at , as lzma hasn't become very popular yet, there's a big chance for you not having tools for decompressing it available, so I also provide you a binary of lzmadec at :)
If you need some hints on using it, here goes:
chmod +x lzmadec
./lzmadec < mandriva-sparcv9-chroot20070507.tar.lzma > mandriva-sparcv9-chroot20070507.tar
tar -xf mandriva-sparcv9-chroot20070507.tar
Should be easy to understand for most people. :)
For installing I'd recommend booting of something like a gentoo live cd or netboot image (I might provide a minimal netboot image myself for this purpose only if not installer gets done in short time), create partitions with filesystems etc., dump the content of the tar ball onto the partition you want to have as root, configure silo etc. and you should be set to go. I might've forgotten some steps here, but you should be able to figure out most of these by your self. :)
ps: The Gentoo d00dez has a brilliant HOWTO on sparc netboot at
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