Le mail local sous linux
Linux hérite pour beaucoup des fonctionalités de Unix. Un des aspects particulier de cet héritage est la gestion du mail.
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Modêye a mostrer 1.68 last modified by yoho on 06/11/2006 at 09:49
Modêye a mostrer 1.68 last modified by yoho on 06/11/2006 at 09:49
Comintaires (44)
Starting postfix: /usr/sbin/postconf: warning: My hostname toto is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf postalias: warning: My hostname toto is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf /usr/sbin/postconf: warning: My hostname toto is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
comment obtenir un nom de domaine valide quand on n'a pas vocation à être serveur, et qu'on n'a pas de nom de domaine précis ? Typiquement, sur un portable…
dans /etc/postfix/main.cf, rajouter ces deux lignes qui empêcheront postfix de délivrer du mail sur l'internet, quel que soit les conditions du réseau :
Super cette explication : vraiment très utile. Je tentais vainement de configurer ma messagerie interne avec drakwizard et j'obtenais toujours le même message d'erreur : "echec : réinstallez drakwizard en changeant les paramètres". Comme message d'erreur pas explicite.... Mais en suivant votre explication, nettement plus fastoche ! J'attends avec impatience la configuration de thunderbird pour la messagerie interne. Encore merci Cordialement
Comments on reading local mail with Thunderbird (while waiting for the screenshots to be added: I created a new account in Thunderbird:
And a question: there is also an /etc/aliases file. Which one does take precedance over the other?
"Local mail", postfix configuration for channeling local mail for root to an effectively configured user
Each user has a "Local" mailbox, a file at /var/spool/mail/. Normally, everything is configured correctly - with one exception: local mail for root. Without corrections, mail for root would arrive in a local mailbox for the user "postfix" and remain there unread.
Correction 1:
Make sure that mail for root arrives in the local mailbox of a real user (note: such mail is sent, for instance, when certain error messages are issued)
Edit your /etc/postfix/aliases file, make sure that the line root: postfix is replaced by a line root: (i.e. the name of a really existing user, who is meant to receive any mail sent to the user "root". The article mentions two other lines that need to be configured - I found that they already exist in out-of-the-box 10.2
The other instructions figuring in the article illustrate (a) how to make this configuration effective without rebooting the system (i.e. the "service postfix restart" command) and (b) how to verify that everything works correctly.
Correction 2:
Make mail deposited in your local mailbox be picked up by kmail or by Thunderbird.
kmail Screenshot more or less self-explaining: an account "local" is created, select as its locking method "FCNTL" or "Aucun" (I guess - I do not use kmail - in English that will be "None") - none is OK if you only expect to receive local mail very occasionally. FCNTL uses file locking, but the access rights to /var/spool/mail need to grant write access to everybody (dangerous) - the same problem as with Thunderbird.
Discussion (comments)
The file /etc/postfix/main.cf must contain the lines
inet interfac = localhost mynetworks_style = (for use the address you configured for your network interface - nothing if you use zeroconf)
Hope that helps and is not too sloppy.