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Name Ancyra PostfixManager
License(s) Unknown
Category(ies) InternetMail
Short description AncyraPM is the improved version of Postfix Manager and features:
  • Ticketing system to record user problems(after 0.6b version)
  • Admin and user login page seperately(after 0.6b version)
  • Creating,updating and removing usernames in database. Domain management is handled automatically
  • Setting passwords and quota for users
  • Adding and managing forwardings for users
  • API style code design which allows admins to use API calls to manage postfix accounts.
  • A new logging mechanism which logs every request received by API into files.
  • API authentication to provide some sort of security ( it is a bit primitive for the time being)
  • Multi language support. You can translate AncyraPM into your language by translating lang.php file
Contact is genco AT ancyra org

AncyraPM ()
Creator: Johannes Bester  Date: 2005/11/25 10:39
Last Author: Johannes Bester  Date: 2005/11/25 10:51
Copyright (c) 2006 Mandriva