
Edit a typo in Bash without editing the line

Let's say you wanted to type in bash:

ls Documents
but instead you typed:
ms Documents
just do:
and the previous command line is rerun with the first 'm' replaced by 'l'
ls Documents
KB - Tip > Edit a typo in Bash without editing the line
Version 1.7 last modified by Nicolas Boulet-Lavoie on 28/02/2008 at 04:27

Comments (2)

Eric Vachon | 28.08.2007 at 05:15 PM
Une bonne astuce. Je fais souvent ce type d'erreur quand je tape mes lignes de commandes.

Le lien final est défectueux.

petersiu | 28.02.2008 at 04:27 AM
suppose I want to edit the second 's'? into 'ls documneta' ? This is not a good example, but please advise.


en fr hu el de cs pl nl


Creator: imr on 2006/09/18 01:37
(c) Mandriva 2007