
Configuring An FTP Server


  • When To Use FTP - And When Not
  • Installation
  • Basic Anon FTP Configuration
  • Testing
  • Troubleshooting
Section index - KB index

When To Use FTP - And When Not

FTP still is a protocol of choice when it comes to distributing larger amounts of data among non-authenticated users. If you're using FTP for anything involving authentication outside a trusted network, you're living very dangerously: the whole authorization process is unencrypted, the client can't know if the server is who it pretends to be and the same goes for the server.
For this reason I won't go into authenticated FTP at great length in this article. FTP is simply the wrong tool for that.

Use SSH for authenticated services instead. FTP clients like the highly popular and graphical gftp (included in Mandrake Linux) support SSH transparently. Notice that tunneling FTP via SSH only encrypts the control connection (i.e. the channel via which the password is sent), not the data channel. If you need an FTP work-alike which encrypts both channels, use ~OpenSSH's own 'sftp' server software and client.

section index


Mandrake Linux 8.2 now comes with four major FTP server packages: the traditional FTP server, the well-known WU-FTPd from the University of Washington, ~ProFTPd, usually regarded as the rightful heir to the former, and Pure-FTPd.
While ~PureFTPd offers more features for home users, ~ProFTPd is much better documented and uses a saner, central configuration scheme, similar to that of Apache. Configuration also doesn't require the creation of any directory trees. In contrast to ~PureFTPd, ~ProFTPd is licensed under the GPL and thus part of the main distribution tree, whereas the ~PureFTPd RPM is contributed by a third party.

Being 'root', type

urpmi proftpd

on a command line. This will install the package from the CD (no other dependencies on a standard system).

section index

Basic Anon FTP Configuration

The configuration file is '/etc/proftpd.conf'. The configuration is done via directive - value pairs. These pairs can be applied on a per user basis, on a per directory basis or a mixture of those.

Save the original '/etc/proftpd.conf' file under a different name and start from scratch with an empty 'proftpd.conf'. For a server allowing anonymous clients to download files, it might look like this:

~ServerName "My FTP Server"
~ServerType standalone
~DefaultServer on
Umask 022
Port 21
User nobody
Group nobody
<Directory /*>
~AllowOverwrite on
<Anonymous ~ftp>
User ftp
Group ftp
~UserAlias anonymous ftp
~RequireValidShell off
<Limit WRITE>

The options in detail:

  • ~ServerName "My FTP Server"
    The name of your FTP server. Use what you like.
  • ~ServerType standalone
    ~ProFTPd can either run on its own or via a 'super server' like xinetd.
    In order to run it via 'xinetd', change this option from
    , then edit '/etc/xinetd.d/proftpd-xinetd' and set 'disable' from 'yes' to 'no' and restart 'xinetd'. Do not run any extra commands to start the FTP server from now on, this will be completely handled on the fly by 'xinetd'.
    Use the 'standalone' mode when setting up the server, since it makes debugging much easier. You can switch to 'inetd' mode later on, if you want to do so.
  • ~DefaultServer on
    All incoming connections use this configuration unless told otherwise.
  • Umask 022
    Default permissions on all new files and directories (this resolves to 755 or rwxr-xr-x). Notice that you can employ a second umask especially for directories (indeed you have to use it if you remove the execute bit and still want to use subdirectories).
  • ~MaxInstances 30
    The maximum of allowed simultaneous connections.
  • Port 21
    On which port the server should listen to incoming connections. If you change this, most clients will have to specify the new port before connecting.
  • User nobody<br> Group nogroup
    User and group under which ~ProFTPd runs. Older versions of Mandrake Linux might use group 'nobody' instead.
<Directory /*>
~AllowOverwrite on

You'll find this setting in the default ~ProFTPd configuration file. It allows FTP clients to overwrite files with the same name in all directories. For an anonymous only server you might want to remove it.

  • <Anonymous ~ftp>
    This starts the section for anonymous users and tells ~ProFTPd to use the directory '/var/ftp' as the 'change rooted' start directory for these users. This means anonymous FTP users won't be able to even see the parent directory, let alone any other directory on the server apart from those in the '/var/ftp' hierarchy.
  • User ftp<br> Group ftp
    Local user account for anonymous users.
  • ~UserAlias anonymous ftp
    Users logging in as 'anonymous' (default in all clients) are treated like the 'ftp' user.
  • ~RequireValidShell off
    Either you add this setting here, or you add '/bin/false' to 'ftp's entry in '/etc/passwd' and to '/etc/shells'. Choose1.1 ;-) It's easier to do it here, and I don't know of any security implications.
<Limit WRITE>

We don't allow anonymous users to create or delete files or directories anywhere in the '/var/ftp' hierarchy.

  • </Anonymous>
    Marks the end of the section for anonymous users.
This basic configuration allows a single anonymous login (not much, but it's a start ;-))

section index


Before venturing any further, it's a good idea to test if this standard setup works. Start the server as 'root' with this command

service proftpd start

Next start an FTP client from your user account and connect to 'localhost'. Try to execute some commands (list directories, change directories). Notice that you're so far not allowed to upload files. If everything works, congratulations1.1 You can skip the next section on troubleshooting then ~grin.

Security notice: With your next login, the FTP server will be started automatically on each login. This might not be preferable. To change this behavior, run this command as 'root':

chkconfig proftpd off

It will prevent the system from starting ~ProFTPd without an explicit 'root' command. This only applies if the server is run in 'standalone' mode.

section index


If you get this error message:

Starting proftpd: hostname - Fatal: unable to determine IP address of 'hostname'

there's a problem with your DNS (name resolution). The most common cause for this problem is a hostname assigned to a machine which gets its IP via DHCP on a network without a DNS server. A quick fix for this problem is adding the hostname to the '/etc/hosts' file while using the same IP used for 'localhost', i.e. '':       localhost.localdomain   localhost       hostname of machine     short name

If you don't know the hostname of your machine, run the hostname command.
Having made that change, restart the network as 'root' with

service network restart

and try starting the FTP server again.

If you can login into the server, but you can't execute any commands, you have to dig deeper. First let proftpd check its configuration file for syntax errors with

proftpd ––configtest

If everything looks OK there, stop the FTP server with

service proftpd stop

and start it again with this line

proftpd -d4 -n

This sets the debugging level to '4' and will log all messages from ~ProFTPd to the console. Now open a new ftp client session and try to execute the commands again. Check the terminal window ~ProFTPd is running on for error messages. Check the FAQ and the rest of the ~ProFTPd documentation if the error message you are getting is mentioned.

Notice that if you run the server in 'standalone' mode, you will either have to reload the server after every change applied to the configuration file with

service proftpd reload

or stop and start it 'by hand'.

section index

Next Item: Anonymous uploading, authenticated FTP and more security options

Related Resources:

~ProFTPd Homepage
~ProFTPd User Guide
Directive List
Example configurations and more in '/usr/share/ doc/proftpd-{...}'

Revision / Modified: May 04, 2002
Author: Tom Berger

Legal: This page is covered by the GNU Free Documentation License. Standard disclaimers of warranty apply. Copyright LSTB and Mandrakesoft.

KB - Configuring An FTP Server
Version 1.6 last modified by Émilie Ngo-Van Do (admin) on 17/01/2006 at 15:51


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Creator: AdminWiki on 2004/03/22 09:44
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