
Tips of the day


How to unblock Mozilla Firefox ou ThunderBird ?

Sometimes, despite their inherent quality, Mozilla tools refuse to launch saying they are already running (even if they do not appear in 'ps').

This is a bug in the user profile mamagement of mozilla.

Firefox create a lock file in his path saying he is running, and refuse to start if it found this file. It should erase this file when quitting … but if he crashs, the lock file stay !

What you have to do is only to remove this file manually. Look at ~/.mozilla or ~/.thunderbird !

  • example :
find ~/.* -name lock
KB - Débloquer Firefox ou Thunderbird
Version 1.3 last modified by ErwannRobin on 23/03/2006 at 14:47

Comments (1)

Marcel Spock Spock | 29.04.2007 at 11:47 PM
Il faut aussi effacer le fichier .parentlock (sous unix en tout cas) qui est un fichier "caché"


fr en it es


Creator: ErwannRobin on 2006/03/23 14:46
(c) Mandriva 2007