The Free Ryzom Campaign
The Ryzom campaign is an initiative to purchase the Ryzom source code, game data, artwork and release it under a Free Software license (GNU GPL).
The campaign obtain FSF support (read Freeing a MMORPG - Free Ryzom), it is now expected that the campaign will be able to increase its bid to over 200.000€.
You can support the campaign, to create a non-profit organization to run and maintain the current game servers. Monthly fees would be spent on service costs and game development. The offer has been declined but discussion continue here.
From The Ryzom campaign website :
Ryzom is an innovative MMORPG, which has been developed since the year 2000 by the independent studio, Nevrax. (...) what we are attempting isn't without precedent, and we look to make it happen again! Blender, a powerful 3D modeling package cost millions of dollars to develop. In 2002, when the company behind Blender went into liquidation. The community surrounding Blender came to the rescue and raised 100,000 Euros to purchase the software package from its investors. To this day, Blender is a highly successful and actively developed Free Software project, maintained by its community of users. This is the success story we seek for Ryzom.
See also Youtube videos.
The Free Ryzom Campaign
Version 1.8 last modified by kilikopela on 06/01/2007 at 17:22
Version 1.8 last modified by kilikopela on 06/01/2007 at 17:22
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