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RPM Request - Chillispot

Name Chillispot
License(s) GPL
Category(ies) Internet
Short description ChilliSpot is an open source captive portal or wireless LAN access point controller. It is used for authenticating users of a wireless LAN. It supports web based login which is today's standard for public HotSpots and it supports Wireless Protected Access (WPA) which is the standard of the future. Authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) is handled by your favorite radius server.

Software Chillispot
Version 1.0
Target distribution 2006
Processor type x86-32
Comments Great software to configure a Wireless HotSpot (but can also be used in LAN environments). Proper Mandriva init-scripts (including those needed to manage the iptables) and dependance to FreeRadius could be a good idea…
Status InProgress
Packager jalma

Votes count:  17
Volunteer jalma
Status: InProgress

1143991311734-1739826299 ()
Creator: Vapula  Date: 2006/04/02 17:28
Last Author: Vapula  Date: 2006/09/01 22:45
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