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RPM Request - Bonfire

Name Bonfire
License(s) GPL
Category(ies) SystemArchivingCdBurning
Short description Bonfire is yet another application to burn CD/DVD for the gnome desktop. It is designed to be as simple as possible and has some unique features to enable users to create their discs easily and quickly.

comments : It looks like k3b for Gnome

Software Bonfire
Version 3.1
Target distribution 2006
Processor type x86-32
Comments That should a very good replacement of k3b for a Gnome installation. It would prevent people to install kde lib just in order to have a cd burner application.
Status Requested

Votes count:  14
Volunteer No volunteer for now. Please login to enroll.
Status: Requested

1149932344106656240043 ()
Creator: Aziz Ouattara  Date: 2006/06/10 11:41
Last Author: Aziz Ouattara  Date: 2006/08/07 23:53
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