System Services III
- Annotated List of Common Services (i-n)
Annotated List of System Services (i-n)
IBOD is the 'ISDN Bandwidth On Demand Daemon'. It supports opening or closing a second B-channel automatically upon a certain amount of traffic.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ibod. Doc:
man ibod
Provides identification information about the host it is running on. Necessary to access some braindead IRC networks.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: pidentd. Doc:
man identd
Daemon script for ~InterfaceLED. This program allows you to use the keyboard LEDs for displaying network traffic and more.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ifled. Doc: '/usr/share/doc/ifled-0.6/README.init-script'
Obsolete since ML 7.2, replaced by xinetd. Refer to the attic page for details.
Control script for the ~InterNetNews Usenet server.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: inn. Doc: lots ;-) Some 30 man pages and an FAQ in '/usr/share/doc/inn-{...}/faq'
'ipchains' is the standard firewalling method in Linux kernel 2.2 based systems, Linux kernel 2.4 (Mandrake Linux 8.x) uses 'iptables' instead. You'll need this if you want to keep on using your old (2.2) firewall rules and software.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ipchains. Doc:
man ipchains
iplog logs network traffic (who'da thunk it?).
Pertinence: Optional. Package: iplog. Doc:
man iplog
ippl (IP Protocols Logger) logs incoming network traffic.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ippl. Doc:
man ippl
Part of Linux ~FreeS/WAN, an implementation of the IPSEC (Internet Protocol SECurity) protocol. IPSEC allows you to connect trusted networks via untrusted ones using a technique called 'tunneling' (in short: all the traffic between the trusted networks gets encrypted and decrypted automatically).
Pertinence: Optional. Package: freeswan. Doc: lots
Part of the iptables/netfilter duo, which does the firewalling and IP masquerading on Linux kernel 2.4.x systems (successor to 'ipchains').
Pertinence: Common. Package: iptables. Doc: HOWTOs,
man iptables
Same as above, but for the future IPv6 network protocol.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: iptables-ipv6. Doc: See above
"iptoip is a program to maintain an ipvsadm {see next entry} table coherent."
Pertinence: Optional. Package: iptoip. Doc: man pages in newer version or CVS
Used to administer a Linux Virtual Server. In short: cluster stuff.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ipvsadm. Doc:
man ipvsadm
ircd (Internet Relay Chat Daemon) is the original IRC server software.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ircd. Doc:
man ircd
Control script for IR (Infra-Red) connected devices, maintained by the Linux-~IrDA Project.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: irda-utils. Doc: On project's documentation page
For users of ISDN-cards (terminal-adapters are handled like modems). Notice that you might still have to configure this service, read '/usr/doc/isdn4net-{...}/doc/INSTALL.quick' for more. In ML 7.2 and later, use the 'draknet' utility.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: isdn4net. Doc: Files in '/usr/share/doc/isdn4net-{...}/', MUO on configuring ISDN
jabber, jabber-icq
Control scripts for the Open Source Instant Messaging server Jabber. You'll need jabber-icq if you want to allow clients to use the ICQ service.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: jabber, jabber-icq. Doc:
Deprecated in ML 8.2. Refer to the attic page.
~FreeWnn is needed to display Japanese characters correctly.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ~FreeWnn. Doc:
man jserver
Junkbuster is an ad-, cookie- and contentblocking proxy. The version included has been slightly modified by Stefan Waldherr. Notice that the included blocklist is really, really old.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: junkbuster. Doc: 'ijbfaq.html' and 'ijbman.html' in '/usr/share/doc/junkbuster-{...}'
kadmin, kprop, krb524, krb5kdc, krb5server
Control scripts for a Kerberos 5 server. Kerberos is a network authentication protocol. In order for clients to access a Kerberos server, they need special client software (like 'ftp-client-krb5').
Pertinence: Optional. Package: krb5-server. Doc:
info krb5-admin
Not a service in the strict sense of the word. The 'keytable' script loads the selected console keyboard map as set in '/etc/sysconfig/keyboard' (variable KEYTABLE).
Pertinence: Common. Package: console-tools. Doc:
man loadkeys
Not a service, but a startup script which generates the file '/boot/kernel.h' on each boot. This generated file is used during compiling source code.
Pertinence: Common. Package: initscripts. Doc: None
Not a service, but a mere short helper script to stop renitent services.
Pertinence: Common. Package: initscripts. Doc: None
Detects and configures new or changed hardware during boot. You can turn it off and your box will boot faster. You can also start kudzu during normal system operation to configure new hardware.
Pertinence: Common. Package: kudzu. Doc:
man kudzu
LDAP is short for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, a central network service for information stored in databases ('directories'). This script is part of the packages openldap1 and openldap-servers, which are maintained by the ~OpenLDAP project.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: openldap1, openldap-servers. Doc:
man ldapd
Startscript for the Linuxconf central administration system.
Pertinence: Common. Package: linuxconf. Doc: '/usr/lib/linuxconf/help.{language-code}', online help system.
Either part of the old 'lpr' printer spooler software or its (self-acclaimed) successor, LPRng (ng = next generation).
Pertinence: Optional. Package: lpr, LPRng. Doc:
man lpd
Not a service, but a helper script to set the correct console keymap.
Pertinence: Common. Package: initscripts. Doc: None
Mandrake's version of an 'autoexec.bat' (no doubt I'll get myself killed with this comparison ;-)).
Pertinence: Common. Package: initscripts. Doc: Read comments in the script
Not a service. Determines which commands should be run the first time the system is booted.
Pertinence: Common. Package: initscripts. Doc: Read comments in the script
~NetWare file and print servers which run on Linux systems.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: mars-nwe. Doc: Look in '/usr/share/doc/mars-nwe-{version}'.
'mc' (Midnight Commander) is a popular Linux console file manager. 'mc' can access machines running 'mcserv' just like the machine it is running on. Mandrake Linux comes with the 'secure-mcserv' version which offers more access control.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: mcserv. Doc:
man secure-mcserv
Medusa is the search/indexing software for the GNOME desktop.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: medusa. Doc:
man medusa-config
Intel P6 CPU Microcode Utility.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: microcode_ctl. Doc:
man microcode_ctl
mon is a resource monitor (from networking to room temperature).
Pertinence: Optional. Package: mon. Doc: Files in '/usr/share/doc/mon-{...}'
MOSIX extends the Linux kernel by support for scalable cluster computing.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: mosix-utils. Doc:
man mosix
~MySQL (SQL = Structured Query Language) provides a database.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ~MySQL. Doc: 'manual.html' in '/usr/share/doc/~MySQL-{...}'
Part of BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), the standard Domain Name Server (DNS) software on Linux. A name server maps IP addresses to machine names.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: bind. Doc: Files in '/usr/share/doc/bind-{...},
man named.conf
Nessus provides software to remotely scan a network for security holes.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: nessus. Doc: Nessus documentation page,
man nessusd
Appletalk and Appleshare/IP services for Linux.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: netatalk. Doc:
man netatalk-config
Not a service. Calling this script tries to mount all available network shares (NFS, NCP, SMB).
Pertinence: Common. Package: initscripts. Doc:
man mount
Host/service/network monitoring program, aka Intrusion Detection System.
Pertinence: Common. Package: netsaint. Doc: Home Page
Not a service. Activates all network interfaces at boot time (or whenever invoked by the 'service' command) by calling the scripts in '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts'.
Pertinence: Common. Package: initscripts. Doc:
man ifconfig
Control script for the Linux NFS server (Network File System), the standard file sharing protocol in Linux/Unix.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: nfs-utils. Doc:
man nfsd
Starts and stops the NFS file locking service. You will need this on NFS servers as well as clients.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: nfs-utils-clients. Doc:
man nfsd
The Linux write cache usually prevents disks from spinning down when not in use. noflushd works around this issue.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: noflushd. Doc:
man noflushd
'nscd' is a Name Service Caching Daemon, usually used in combination with NIS+ (Network Information Service) or LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol).
Pertinence: Optional. Package: nscd. Doc: LDAP Implementation HOWTO
Control script for a Time Synchronization Server using the Network Time Protocol. Useful if you have to keep machines in a network in sync.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ntp. Doc: Files in '/usr/share/doc/ntp-{...}'
No service. 'Locks' the ~NumLock key at boot, thus making it possible to use the number block on most keyboards to type in numbers. This can get pretty funny when enabled on laptops ...
Pertinence: Common. Package: numlock. Doc:
man enable_X11_numlock
Next Item: System Services o-y
Related Resources:
man init
Revision / Modified: Mar. 13, 2002
Author: Tom Berger, Todd Lyons
Legal: This page is covered by the GNU Free Documentation License. Standard disclaimers of warranty apply. Copyright LSTB and Mandrakesoft.
Version 1.3 last modified by AdminWiki on 22/03/2004 at 09:44
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