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Mozilla Thunderbird

Thunderbird 0.9 is Mozilla's next generation e-mail client. Thunderbird makes emailing safer, faster and easier than ever before with the industry's best implementations of features such as intelligent spam filters, a built-in spell checker, extension support, and much more. –– The Mozilla Organization

August 14th 2004, the 0.7.3 release is out.

It will be in Mandrakelinux 10.1.

Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 will be out later 1.1

To Edit in order to complete this page 1.1
KB - Email Clients > Mozilla Thunderbird
Version 1.2 last modified by vwke on 28/07/2005 at 13:42


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Creator: vwke on 2005/07/28 13:42
(c) Mandriva 2007