July 17, 2006
Back from Holidays
Just came back from holidays.. … continue reading
June 08, 2006
Yeay, I had my final exam for this semestre yesteryday, no more school for some time! :) … continue reading
May 11, 2006
Falling behind? Was: Teamwork vs control freaks
Arrg, yet again people on cooker are arguing again..
Also by looking at all the requests not being fulfilled on the RPMs Farm page one might think that I'm lazy and not doing my job, this isn't entirely correct.. ;) … continue reading
May 05, 2006
Hot outside!
Haven't blogged for a while, dunno why.. But it's hot outside here now, yesterday it was the first real summerday, nice and hot! :D Not so nice being hot inside though.. … continue reading
April 19, 2006
Easter is over..
Well, easter is over and it's time to catch up on some work.. … continue reading
April 13, 2006
Arrrrg! My mail has disappeared:(
Easter has started and I've been "busy" playing Civilization 4 for the last and now that I took a break from my important world domination plans I found out that my mail for the last days has just disappeared… :( … continue reading
April 05, 2006
Installer on sparc?
Been messing around today with the installer on sparc.. Progress? Maybe. Tired? Absolutely! … continue reading
March 28, 2006
And the winner is...
Soooo, as I announced on the club forum the other day, a new system for people to upload club packages is now in place, and Torbjörn Turpeinen aka thac is the first person to contribute! :) … continue reading
March 23, 2006
RPMs Farm fixed!
Some of you might noticed that your latest rpm requests hasn't been showing up on the club.. It's fixed now! … continue reading
March 22, 2006
Packaging and license issues
I looked through package requests on the club the other day and found this truecrypt software that someone else already had done most of the package work on, cool until I read the license after finishing up my work on it.. … continue reading
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