欢迎来到 Mandriva 俱乐部!
在 Mandriva 俱乐部中,会员能够下载最新版的 Mandriva Linux 发行版,其中包括商业应用程序和插件、ATI 和 Nvidia 驱动程序、俱乐部特别发布版本;能够访问协作撰写的有关 Mandriva Linux 使用的知识库、商业 RPM 软件包;能够获得在 Mandriva 商店中的特别折扣;以及同 Mandriva 小组交谈;和其他……。 即刻加入 Mandriva 俱乐部,并开始下载以及好好享用您的 Mandriva Linux 系统吧!
Mandriva Linux Community Newsletter #128
Welcome to the Mandriva Linux Community Newsletter - dedicated to keeping you up-to-date with the latest Mandriva-related news & info. The newsletter returns after a long break, with a slightly different format: we no longer have any servers with a sufficiently old copy of PHP to run the ancient, creaking script we used to use to generate the laid-out HTML version of the newsletter, so from now on it will simply be done with Wiki style tags instead. Sorry for the slightly less whizzy appearance. Moving right along!
Spreading the word: Printed One CDs now available from the Store
As many Club members have requested, you can now buy professionally printed One CDs from the Mandriva Store. They are sold in packs of 1, 10 or 30 CDs. Each CD comes in its own individual slim plastic case. Delivery time will depend on your location.
Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring Xfce edition released
Thanks to the efforts of the Mandriva Linux Xfce development community, an Xfce version of Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring One is now available. Just like the KDE and GNOME versions of One, this is an installable live CD edition of Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring, but this time featuring Xfce as the desktop environment. As with the other One versions, three images are available, with different sets of languages on each. This is an unofficial release, but the Xfce development volunteers will attempt to address any problems or questions about this release. You can get the default language set version here (i586) or here (x86-64), the alternative language set version here (i586) or here (x86-64), and the Asian language set version here (i586) or here (x86-64). The images may also be made available on the official Mandriva mirrors in future. Any problems you find in these images can be reported as normal to Bugzilla.
Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring released
Mandriva is proud to announce the release of its latest distribution, Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring. This new release brings features like full support for the Asus Eee, easy synchronization with Windows Mobile 5 and later, Blackberry, and Nokia devices, a new parental control utility, the Elisa multimedia center, Codeina for easy installation of necessary media codecs, PulseAudio by default and much more. Software updates include KDE 3.5.9 (with 4.0.2 available from the official repositories), GNOME 2.22, OpenOffice.org 2.4, Linux kernel, X.org 7.3, Compiz 0.7, and more.
Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring release warm up
The Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring release warm up programme has begun: 300 early seeders have been contacted and have started to seed the torrents. Be ready to download Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring in the very next days!