

Mandriva Club is a place where members: can download the latest Mandriva Linux distributions, can get special discount (up to 25%!), can meet for discussions, can chat with Mandriva Linux team (gael, warly, fred...), and much more...
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 Cytat dnia

Interviewer: Is studying computer science the best way to prepare to be a programmer?

Gates: No, the best way to prepare is to write programs, and to study great programs that… Bill Gates [1]

Klubowicz miesiąca
Interview with Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade, new Mandriva developer

Strona Wiki dnia

Le mail local sous linux

Mandriva Linux 2009 Alpha 1: no public release

Those of you who saw the recent announcement of the Mandriva Linux 2009 release schedule may be wondering about the status of Alpha 1, which was scheduled for public release on June 25th. Due to some major problems in this release relating to, the migration from KDE 3 to KDE 4, and generation of One images, we have decided not to make a public release of Alpha 1. If we had waited to resolve these problems before releasing Alpha 1 it would have come out only a few days before Alpha 2, not allowing enough time for much real testing. Therefore Alpha 1 will exist only as an internal release, and will not be made public. The first public pre-release for Mandriva Linux 2009 will now be Alpha 2, which will be released according to the announced schedule, on July 10th.

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Mandriva Linux 2009 plans announced

Mandriva Linux 2009 comes a step closer to reality today with the unveiling of the release schedule and the technical specifications. All this information can be found on the Mandriva Linux 2009 Development page on the Mandriva Wiki. The schedule includes two alphas, two betas, and two release candidates, prior to the final release in early October 2008. The first alpha release is scheduled for June 25th - just a week away. The technical specifications are based on input from both the community and Mandriva staff, with each item assigned to a specific maintainer and given a priority level. Some of the more significant items include:

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Mandriva Flash 2008 Spring released

Mandriva today announces the launch of the Mandriva Flash 2008 Spring, the new product in the popular Mandriva Flash family. Take your entire desktop with you wherever you go! Mandriva Flash is a USB key containing a complete, bootable version of the Mandriva Linux distribution, letting you boot straight into your own Linux desktop on almost any computer, with no installation or alteration of the host system required. Mandriva Flash 2008 Spring offers 8GB of space which you can organise as you like, prioritizing space for more system files or for your personal data and documents.

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Celebrating 10 years of Mandriva

2008 marks the tenth anniversary of Mandriva - the company and the distribution. The Mandriva community celebrated in style over the last weekend in May, with a party in the Eiffel Tower in Paris attended by many staff, former staff, community members and partners. There was also an - indoor - picnic, and the now-traditional Dance Dance Revolution party. The popular French news site Infos du Net wrote about the event: an English translation of the article can be found here. You can also find Pascal Terjan's impressions of the weekend. Many pictures of the event are also available.

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High-profile reviews of Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring

New reviews of Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring appeared on two high-profile sites recently. ZDnet noted that "Mandriva Linux is popular with developers and enthusiasts, and there’s a thriving community ready and able to help with problems," and concluded "Overall we liked what we saw. Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring may not be the best distro for the newcomer moving over from Windows, but if you're used to the way Linux works and want to try something different, give it a try." praised the hardware support and the Control Center, and declared that "despite a few minor glitches, after several weeks of testing the two Mandriva flavors, I have finally come across a distro that gives you the best of the GNU/Linux and proprietary worlds in terms of ease of use, range of software, and stability on hardware that ranges from old Celerons to newer multi-core machines."

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Autor: Arkub w 2007/03/17 22:58
(c) Mandriva 2007