
Добро пожаловать в базу знаний Mandriva Club!

База знаний Mandriva Club - это основанный на wiki сайт с документацией, созданный совместными усилиями членов Клуба. Сайт представляет собой вики, что означает, что каждый член, включая вас, может добавить или изменить любую страницу.

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Более обобщённый вид индекса можно найти на странице Общий индекс.

В этот раздел было импортировано всё содержимое сайта, вместе с историей изменений. Однако тексты, описывающие каждое изменение, ещё не импортированы. Тем не менее они были сохранены. Мы, возможно, восстановим их в следующей версии платформы.
KB - Welcome to Mandriva Club Knowledge Base
Версия 1.3 Изменено Acid_Jack on 06/07/2005 00:56

Комментарии (13)

pirnaver | 18.08.2005 07:12 PM
Maybe older version of Knowledge base should be published periodicaly under copyleft license so that content would not be lost if something should happen to Mandriva or something. Also some people might feel more inclined to contribute to a project that could in the end benifit even more people.

Knowledge base should have some kind of a license in any case.

yoho | 23.08.2005 09:31 PM
I agree. I think everyone can come to see the knowledge base, but only members can contribute.

grcooper | 28.08.2005 07:39 AM
I think the entire Mandriva idea of a knowledgebase is complete BS. No other company would even think of putting up a 'knowledgebase' without a decent and obvious search function.

I have to think Mandriva is actually hiding their tech support knowledgebase.

It's been so screwed up for so long they don't seem to know any better.

What crap...


Diwann | 29.08.2005 05:16 PM
I don't understand… there is one here ?

Titpom | 03.09.2005 10:14 PM
Just look at the upper right hand corner of this webite…

newimr | 06.10.2005 11:54 AM
There should be some point of entry for contributers. I'm sure it will happen, the club is more and more open.

kilikopela | 05.01.2006 01:05 PM
And now you can use the Firefox search bar with this Tip

amione | 10.02.2006 05:45 PM
Swedish translations are being done right now.

Daniel_8291 | 15.03.2006 11:32 PM
I was checking the Knowledge Base and the kernel topics link points to the same as t he booting link. I was really interested in the kernel topics… But the link is not available

Flink | 21.07.2006 08:11 PM

Flink | 21.07.2006 08:23 PM
This has been moved into kernel I have corrected the link now.

Flink | 25.07.2006 12:40 PM
I have put System Recovery I under Trouble Shooting, because it has been missing here.

WebHome | 25.07.2006 12:40 PM


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Создатель: Acid_Jack on 2005/07/06 00:55
(c) Mandriva 2007